List of talks
Invited talks
- Gerardo Adesso
Metrological resources braced for the worst [slides]
- Francesco Buscemi
A hierarchy of resource theories of quantum incompatibility [slides]
- Eric Chitambar
Delay Times as Quantum Resource Primitives [slides .ppt]
- Gilad Gour
On the role of quantum coherence in thermodynamics [slides]
- Ludovico Lami
Testing quantumness without entanglement [slides]
- Iman Marvian
Local resource theories: When can free operations be realized with 2-local free operations? [slides]
- Takahiro Sagawa
On the existence of complete thermodynamic potentials for quantum systems [slides]
- Alexander Streltsov
Entanglement catalysis for quantum states and noisy channels [slides]
- Marco Tomamichel
When resource monotones become additive [slides]
- Mark M. Wilde
Estimating and interpreting resource measures via quantum algorithms [slides]
Contributed talks
Below is a list of all papers accepted for the workshop, listed in the order that EasyChair decided to list them in.
- Felix Ahnefeld, Thomas Theurer, Dario Egloff, Juan Mauricio Matera and Martin B. Plenio
On the Role of Coherence in Shor’s Algorithm [slides]
- Hanna Wojewódka-Ściążko, Zbigniew Puchała and Kamil Korzekwa
Resource engines [slides]
- Robert Salzmann, Nilanjana Datta, Gilad Gour, Xin Wang and Mark M Wilde
Symmetric distinguishability as a quantum resource [slides]
- Beata Zjawin, David Schmid, Matty Hoban and Ana Belén Sainz
Quantifying EPR: the resource theory of nonclassicality of common-cause assemblages [slides]
- Jeongrak Son and Nelly Ng
Catalysis in Action via Elementary Thermal Operations [slides]
- Andrés Ducuara and Paul Skrzypczyk
Characterisation of quantum betting tasks in terms of Arimoto mutual information
- Roberto Salazar, Jakub Czartowski and Alexssandre Oliveira Junior
Resource Theory of Absolute Negativity [prezi]
- Kohdai Kuroiwa and Hayata Yamasaki
General Quantum Resource Theories: Maximal Resources, Catalytic Replication, and Asymptotically Consistent Measures [slides]
- Benjamin Yadin, Matteo Fadel and Manuel Gessner
Metrological complementarity reveals the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox
- Ruocheng Huang, Varun Narasimhachar and Paul Reichers
Engines for predictive work extraction from memoryful quantum stochastic processes [slides .ppt]
- Ladina Hausmann, Nuriya Nurgalieva and Lídia del Rio
Phenomenological thermodynamics with multiple conserved quantities [slides]
- Koji Yamaguchi and Hiroyasu Tajima
Beyond i.i.d. in the Resource Theory of Asymmetry: An Information-Spectrum Approach for Quantum Fisher Information [slides]
- Oliver Hahn, Alessandro Ferraro, Lina Hultquist, Giulia Ferrini and Laura García-Álvarez
Quantifying Qubit Magic Resource with Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill Encoding [slides]
- Rhea Alexander, Si Gvirtz-Chen, Nikolaus Koukoulekidis and David Jennings
Upper and lower bounds on CSS code lengths for magic state distillation protocols [slides]
- Sebastian Horvat and Borivoje Dakić
Accessing inaccessible information via quantum indistinguishability [slides .ppt]
- Felix Binder, Gianluca Francica, Giacomo Guarnieri, Mark Mitchison, John Goold and Francesco Plastina
Quantum coherence in unitary work extraction [slides]
- Graeme Berk, Simon Milz, Felix Pollock and Kavan Modi
Resource Theories and Noise Reduction [slides]
- Oliver Reardon-Smith, Michał Oszmaniec and Kamil Korzekwa
Improved Classical Simulation of Quantum Circuits Dominated by Fermionic Linear Optical Gates [slides]
- Ryuji Takagi and Naoto Shiraishi
Correlation in Catalysts Enables Arbitrary Manipulation of Quantum Coherence [slides]
- Roberto Rubboli and Marco Tomamichel
Fundamental Limits on Correlated Catalytic State Transformations [slides]
- Patryk Lipka-Bartosik and Kamil Korzekwa
Finite-size catalysis in quantum resource theories [slides]
- Chung-Yun Hsieh, Matteo Lostaglio and Antonio Acín
Quantum channel marginal problem
merged with
Chung-Yun Hsieh, Gelo Noel Tabia, Yu-Chun Yin and Yeong-Cherng Liang
Resource Marginal Problems [slides]
- Simon Milz, Jessica Bavaresco and Giulio Chiribella
Resource Theory of Causal Connection
- Hlér Kristjánsson, Giulio Chiribella, Sina Salek, Daniel Ebler, Matt Wilson, Yan Zhong and Anthony Munson
Resource theories of communication and coherent routing of information [slides]
- Hiroyasu Tajima, Ryuji Takagi, Yui Kuramochi and Keiji Saito
Universal trade-off structure between symmetry, irreversibility, and quantum coherence in quantum processes [slides]
- Giovanni Spaventa, Susana F. Huelga, and Martin B. Plenio
A resource-theoretical approach to the dynamics of molecular photoswitches